Installing Spark in an Angular Project

This guide will walk you through installing Spark on an existing Angular application.

By the end of this guide, you'll have Spark JavaScript and CSS available in your application to start building components.

This guide covers setting up Spark for Angular 7, 8 and 9. Spark doesn’t currently support Angular JS.

Before you begin, make sure that:

  • You have a functioning Angular app similar to the one in the Angular CLI Overview
  • Sass is installed and functioning
  • Angular Routing is installed (not required by Angular CLI, but it is required for Spark)

For help with setting up the necessary development environment, see the Angular CLI Overview.

Our starter app examples are also available for reference:

Installing Spark Packages

Spark Angular also supports schematics. If you'd like to install Spark in this way, install Angular CDK if you haven't already (npm install -g @angular/cdk), and then run ng add @sparkdesignsystem/spark-angular.

  1. Start by going to your project directory and installing spark-angular.
npm install @sparkdesignsystem/spark-angular --save-dev
  1. In your app.module.ts file, do the following:
  • Import the spark-angular library
  • Import the BrowserAnimationsModule.
  • Include both in @NgModule's imports array.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { SparkAngularModule } from '@sparkdesignsystem/spark-angular';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
  1. In your styles.scss file, @import the Spark stylesheet.
@import "node_modules/@sparkdesignsystem/spark-styles/spark.scss"

We recommend importing Spark Styles globally, because importing at the component level can lead to unexpected behavior.

  1. In the project's index.html file, add the sprk-u-JavaScript CSS class to the root <html> element in your application.

  2. Build and run the application with npm run start. When finished, the app will run on http://localhost:4200/ in your web browser.

You can verify that Spark’s styles are being included by opening your browser’s developer tools and inspecting the DOM. There should be a <style> tag in the <head> that includes Spark’s styles.

Screenshot of DOM with Spark Styles

Adding Your First Spark Component

Adding a Spinner Button can confirm you've installed Spark Angular packages correctly.

This is just one example to implement functionality and get your project started.

  1. In your app.component.ts create a click handler and a variable that track state.
import { Component, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
isAppLoading: boolean = false;
onClick() {
this.isAppLoading = true;

This code sample:

  • Imports Component and HostListener from @angular/core.
  • Creates isAppLoading, a variable we'll use to track state.
  • Adds a HostListener that will set isAppLoading to true on click.
  1. In your app.component.html file, add a <button> element with a sprkButton directive.
<div *ngIf="!isAppLoading">
Start Spinning

This <button> has:

  • The sprkButton directive.
  • An isSpinning input that is determined by the variable isAppLoading.
  • Button content that will toggle between the Spark Spinner or Button text. This is determined by the variable isAppLoading.

Rebuild with npm run start and you should find a Spark Button loads a spinner on click!

A Spark Button Spinner component.

Learn more about Spark Buttons and Spinner functionality in the Button Storybook documentation.

Finding the code to other Spark Components

  1. Go to the Spark Angular Storybook.
  2. Find the Component you need in the "Components" section.
  3. Navigate to the Docs tab. It's typically at the top of screen next to Canvas.
  4. Navigate down the page until you find your component variant.
  5. The Show code button will toggle a code sample.

These code samples represent the final rendered state of the components. Just like with a Spark Button with a Spinner, some functionality requires additional engineering.

The Docs section of each page will give implementation details for each component.

Additional Topics

Check out these guides for more information on setting up Spark: