This guide is Part 2 in a 3-Part series. You can also check out Part 1 - Setting Up Your Environment and Part 3 - Adding Components.

Part 2: Installing Spark in an HTML Project

Installing Spark

In this guide we’ll walk you through installing Spark into a site without a JavaScript framework.

Our starter app examples are also available for reference:

For instructions on setting up Spark in other environments, check out the guides for Angular and React development environments.

Install the Spark Package

  1. First, use npm to install the Spark package. This will download the JavaScript and CSS needed to add the Spark components.
npm install --save-dev @sparkdesignsystem/spark
  1. This will download all the JavaScript and CSS needed to render the Spark components into your node_modules folder. To access them in your compiled website, import them in your script. Webpack will include them in your bundled site JavaScript. Copy this import code into your index.js file:
// import the Spark JavaScript
import spark from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark/es5/spark";
import sparkPrerender from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark/es5/sparkPrerender";
// optional (see below)
import "@sparkdesignsystem/spark/es5/sparkPolyfills";
// import the Spark CSS
import "@sparkdesignsystem/spark-styles/_spark.scss";
// initialize Spark

sparkPolyfills - This file loads a few polyfills that Spark requires. If your application is already polyfilling the items below, you don't need to load this file.

  • Promise
  • Array.from
  • String.includes
  • Array.find
  • NodeList.forEach
  • classList on SVG Elements

The Spark assets will now be included when you compile your site. Run the following command:

npm run build

You can verify that this is the case by checking the compiled bundle.css and main.js in your solution. The compiled Spark CSS and JavaScript will show here:

Minified CSS in bundle.css and minified JS in main.js

Configure Spark

  1. Finally, in index.html, find or create the container of your main content and add the  data-sprk-main attribute. This attribute is required for some Spark components to correctly handle focus changes.


  • Do not put data-sprk-main on the <body> tag.
  • The main content container cannot contain the Spark Masthead component.
  • Put this container above the <script src="main.js"></script> line.
<div data-sprk-main>
// Main Content

Next Steps

You’re ready to start adding Spark components to your site.

Additional Topics


Here are some issues that you might encounter while setting up Spark and how to fix them:


Uncaught ReferenceError: SPRK_CURRENT_VERSION is not defined

Make sure you're importing Spark from the correct directory:

import spark from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark/es5/spark";

This is not the correct directory:

import spark from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark/spark";

Issue: Spark.js is being called, but none of my components are being initialized.

Make sure you're calling spark()after the DOM is loaded. You may need to move the <script> tag in index.html to the bottom of the file.

Issue: The Webpack build is completing without errors but Spark JS and CSS are not being applied to my site.

Make sure you're referencing your JavaScript and CSS files correctly in  index.html. In our example, we needed to change the import from  src/index.js to main.js.